
How To Make A Living Sculpture

Type of sculpture

Living sculpture is any type of sculpture that is created with living, growing grasses, vines, plants or trees. It can be functional and/or ornamental. There are several dissimilar types of living sculpture techniques, including topiary (clip plants or train them over frames), sod works (create sculptures using soil and grass or moss), tree shaping (growing designs with living trees) and mowing and ingather art (create patterns or pictures with plants or in lawns). Most living sculpture technique requires horticultural skills, such every bit grafting or pruning, to create the art.

History [edit]

Sculptors through the ages accept traditionally worked with non-living media such as clay, plaster, glass, bronze, or fifty-fifty plastic. Although sculpting plants isn't a new idea (bonsai or topiary accept long historical traditions), its contempo rediscovery by artists, horticulturalists, gardeners, and young people has given living sculpture an innovative popularity.

Living sculpture offers a highly appealing alloy of art and science. It's a creative process that gives the sculptor a chance to bring their own unique vision to life (literally!) Creating a living sculpture is also a collaborative process that tin bring artistic minds, logistical minds, and scientific minds together. As a team project, creating a living sculpture can exist about more than but art or science. A squad collaborating to design and build a living sculpture can learn a lot nigh themselves, each other, and what partnerships are all about - while making a functional and/or ornamental public sculpture in their customs.

Topiary [edit]

Beckley Park, Oxfordshire: cottage garden topiary formulas taken up for an early 20th-century elite English language garden in a historic firm setting

One of the older and more familiar kinds of living sculpture, topiary is the art of growing dumbo, leafy plants and pruning them into a form, or grooming them over a frame, to create a iii-dimensional object. It relies on pruning and training to give shape to an existing plant. It also can involve training a plant to fill in a form.

Topiary is one type of living sculpture that has gone in and out of favor through the ages. A few historical highlights of its importance and apply:

  • Earliest references of topiary date back to 23-79 A.D.
  • It was immensely popular in Aboriginal Rome using cypress trees, but after the autumn of Rome, topiary fell out of favor for several hundred years.
  • It returned in medieval times as a way of grooming fruit plants, and and then was again rediscovered during the Italian Renaissance.
  • The Dutch in the 15th century became intrigued with creating topiary in animal shapes, as did 17th century England; the French preferred creating topiary in geometric designs with strict symmetry.
  • 18th century, topiary barbarous out of favor again, and a natural await returned.
  • Victorians brought back topiary, adding in new plants and details.
  • Topiary spread to Northward America at Williamsburg, Virginia, effectually 1690.
  • Equally houseplants became popular in the 1950s and 1960s, topiary moved indoors.

Turf and sodworks [edit]

Turf- or sod-works are created from grass or moss and soil. This type of art has roots in the Land Art movement (besides known as the Earthworks or Earth Fine art movement) that emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s. During this menses, mural and the work of fine art began to be viewed as linked. Sculptures were not but placed in the landscape; rather the landscape became the very means of their cosmos. These works often existed in the open, located well away from communities, and were left to change under natural conditions. Many of the kickoff works were created in the deserts of Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona. They did not, or were not meant to last, and at present exist only as recordings or photos.

Works made from the earth are changing the way in which people view fine art, and often are used to promote environmental awareness. These works may be created on waste material sites, and may describe attention to land reclamation and urban restoration efforts. Contempo globe artists have worked with soil, sod, or moss to create forms that may be intimate and minor, or big and multi-acre. They may be cut out of the globe, or formed with soil. They may give a nod to the by, or they may exist cutting edge and contemporary in pattern. Some examples include labyrinths and mazes, fauna and human forms, geometric shapes, and furniture.

Espalier [edit]

Espalier is the art and horticultural practice of training tree branches onto ornamental shapes along a frame for austere and fruit product by grafting, shaping and pruning the branches so that they grow flat, frequently in formal patterns, against a structure such as a wall, debate, or trellis.[one] The practice is ordinarily used to advance and increment production in fruit-bearing trees and too to decorate flat exterior walls while conserving space.[1]

Pleaching [edit]

Pleaching is a technique of weaving the branches of trees into a hedge normally, deciduous trees are planted in lines, then pleached to grade a apartment plane on clear stems above the ground level. Branches are woven together and lightly tied.[2] Branches in shut contact may grow together, due to a natural miracle called inosculation, a natural graft. Pleach besides means weaving of sparse, whippy stems of trees to form a basketry affect.[3]

Bonsai [edit]

Bonsai is the fine art of aesthetic miniaturization of copse, or of developing woody or semi-woody plants shaped as copse, by growing them in containers. Tillage includes techniques for shaping, watering, and repotting in diverse styles of containers.

Tree shaping [edit]

Tree shaping uses living trees as a medium to create structures and art for example, chairs, ladders, mirrors and people copse. There are a few different methods[4] to create shaped copse, which share a mutual heritage with other artistic horticultural and agronomical practices, such as pleaching, bonsai, espalier, and topiary, and using some of the similar techniques.

Tree shaping has been practiced for at least several hundred years, as demonstrated past the living root bridges built and maintained by the Khasi people of Bharat.

Creative Mowing and Crop Art [edit]

A crop circle in Switzerland

Crop circles are created by crop artists program in advance on paper, and often work with farmers, special equipment, and a diverseness of crops to create multi-acre masterpieces that are viewed from the air and are captured via photographs. They draw on a variety of impressionist, surrealist, and modernist roots in their designs, and some are downright quirky: [1]. Stan Herd is a renowned Crop artist.

See besides [edit]

  • Gilroy Gardens
  • Baubotanik

Further reading [edit]


  • The Complete Volume of Topiary. Gallup, Barbara; Reich, Deborah 1987. Workman Publishing, N.Y
  • Quick and Piece of cake Indoor Topiary. Jones, Chris 1998. Storey Books; Pownal, Vermont

Tree Shaping

  • Living Willow Sculpture. Warnes, Jon 2001. Search Press.
  • Arborsculpture: Solutions for a small planet. Reames, Richard 2002. Arborsmith Studios.
  • Tricks With Trees: Land Art for the Garden by Ivan Hicks and Richard Rosenfeld 2007

Bentwood with living vines

  • Making Bentwood Trellises, Arbors, Gates & Fences. Long, Jim 1998. Storey Publishing.

Creative Mowing & Ingather Art

  • Lawnscapes: Mowing Patterns to Make Your One thousand a Piece of work of Art. Parfitt, David 2006. Quirk Books.
  • Crop Art and Other Earthworks. Herd, Stan 1994. Harry N. Abrams Publishers.
  • Crop Circles: Fine art in the Landscape. Pringle, Lucy 2007. Frances Lincoln.

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b Evans, Erv, Espalier, Due north Carolina State Academy Horticultural Scientific discipline Department Cooperative Extension Service, archived from the original on 2010-07-08, retrieved 2010-06-29
  2. ^ The Complete Guide to Pruning and Grooming Plants, Joyce and Brickell, 1992, page 106, Simon and Schuster
  3. ^ John Seymour (1984). The Forgotten Arts A applied guide to traditional skills. Angus & Robertson Publishers. p. 54. ISBN0-207-15007-nine.
  4. ^

External links [edit]

Living Sculpture

  • The Cornell Garden-Based Learning Institute'due south Living Sculpture Website:
  • Lovallo Living Sculpture Turf and Tree Works

Turf or Sod Works

  • HGTV at Domicile: Sod Sofas - Mural architect Greg Tate demonstrates how to build a sod sofa for your lawn
  • Sprout a Couch: Backyard Furniture for Literalists - Commodity past Greg Tate in Ready Fabricated Magazine about how to build a sod sofa.

Tree Shaping

  • Globe Tree shapers, history and links
  • History of the Tree Circus

Artistic Mowing & Crop Art

  • Stan Herd: Crop Art and Other Digging - From 160-acre (0.65 km2) plowed portraits to one quarter acre intimate stone designs, artist Stan Herd's work has become a platform for discussion of mankind's contemporary human relationship to the land.
  • Backyard Striping and Lawn Patterns: How Exercise They Work? - A practiced explanation on how lawn striping works and what can exist done to increase the lawn striping effect.


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